Once you receive your notice of action (I-797C) in the mail, you can use your receipt number to check your case status online on USCIS website. The receipt number can be found on the top left-hand corner of the notice of action: "XXX-00-000-00000" (with X being letters and 0 being numbers).
Or alternatively, you can sign up for electronic notification by submitting form G-1145: E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance. They will e-mail you your receipt number (I think - I didn't know of this form when I submitted my applications!).
How to check your case status
1) Go to USCIS website: http://www.uscis.gov/
2) On the left column on the page, under "AFTER I FILE", click on "Check My Case Status (red arrow below)."
3) On this page, you can enter your receipt number (take out all the dashes "-") in the box provided and click "check status" or press enter.
4) This method allows you to check one case (i.e. one form) at a time. An example of the case status page (under initial review) is shown below:
The downside of this method is that you will have to have your receipt number handy and enter each of them one at a time every time you want to check your status. If you have multiple forms to check, then the easier way is as detailed below:
Sign up for case updates
(Best way when you have multiple forms to check)
1) Go to USCIS website: http://www.uscis.gov/
2) On the left column on the page, under "AFTER I FILE", click on "Sign-up for Case Updates (beneath Check My Case Status)." For image, see step 2 from above.
3) On the next screen (what you see below), click on "Register as an applicant customer" (I suppose if you're reading this blog, you're DIYing this process). Follow the on screen instruction to fill in the form. A phone number is not required if you do not wish to receive text messages.
4) Continue to follow on-screen instruction to enter your receipt number. You can monitor the status of more than one case by clicking on "Add a Case to Your Portfolio" and entering more receipt numbers. You can turn e-mail and/or text alerts on or off on the "My Portfolio" screen. USCIS will send an confirmation e-mail (with your registered username) to the address you just gave them.
That's how you do it! Then just sit tight and wait (and check)! Don't forget your username and password.
Hope this is helpful!
that's great who ever put this link God bless him/her